Monday, June 20, 2011

More museums, more food

The last few days before I left for Normandy were filled with the regular elements of Paris sightseeing: food and museums. 

The dish below was the first good salad I've had so far. 
I had a nice tea and two baskets of bread along with it. 

After this great lunch, I took the metro over to La Musée de l'Armée. On the left you can see the canons lining the perimeter of the museum property. On the right the French flags decorate the entrance to one of the four exhibits offered here: Napoleon's Tomb, The World Wars, French Armor Design and The French Kings. It took the better part of the day to work my way through all four.  I tried to choose some interesting pictures to share, enjoy!


Napoleon Bonaparte's tomb. 

A motorcycle and its' case that was dropped via parachute during World War II. 

A suit of armor designed by a French armor maker. 

The metro stop outside of the museum. 

After the museum I took the metro over to Rue de la Hauchette. I returned to a theater, which I posted a picture of earlier in the trip, to see a version of Ionesco's La Cantatrice Chauve. I had read this play in one of my French classes at Berkeley and it was a great experience seeing it performed live in this theater of only 40 or so seats.   

I spent the next day at the Musée d'Orsay where taking pictures was not allowed. I was however able to snap a picture of the finale to my lunch later that day :) 

Thursday, June 9, 2011 update

Needless to say, it's time for an update. Since my last post, *cough*twoandahalfweeksago*cough*, I've seen a number of different sites, eaten a great many good meals and settled into life here somewhat. I've seen 85 degree sun tan weather and lightening storms that nearly flooded the apartment. I've finally learned the metro and bus lines enough to where I no longer use the bikes, this combination of less movement and more food has been...well I'll just let you look at the pictures :p 

Before I say anything else, introducing some of the people I have met here is long overdue. First, and appropriately so, my host Ashely Argüello. A native born American, raised in El Salvador, studying at La Sorbonne, Ashley speaks English, Spanish, French, German and Arabic. Needless to say she is an inspiration for any language learner and a handy person to have around when traveling. Between shopping, eating and learning to ride bikes, Ashley and I have become friends and I can't thank her enough for showing me around this beautiful city. 

And of course there's her boyfriend, Thomas, who is both kind and hilarious. He is as interested in learning oddities about American culture as I am in learning about the French. Though I have tried to convince him that not all Americans are rapping thugs from Compton...50cent wins out. 

For the rest of the update I've included some pictures I've taken over the past two weeks with descriptions. Enjoy!

Le Jardin du Luxembourg, the garden where I have been running. The park opens at 7:30 am and there is usually a whole group of runners waiting to head on in. I'm starting to recognize the regulars. 

Entrance to the Place des Vosges, a beautiful square on the right bank of the Seine. 

One of Victor Hugo's residences in Paris, located in one corner of the Place des Vosges.

The Eiffel Tower down the street from the apartment. Ashely took Jordan and I up the street to catch this view before we went out to dinner his first night in Paris. 

The only way to end (or start) a long day of exploring the city. 

The next set of pictures show the side trip Jordan and I took to the Palace of Versailles, just outside Paris.  It is one of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen.